Larnaca weather in September is sunny and warm, just like Summer. Temperature during the days is 30-37°C and it drops to 22°C-26°C at night time.
Larnaca coast has the warmest sea water and the beach is quite warm even in September.
1. Average weather in September
- Generally:Sunny, warm, hummid
- Day temperature: 30-37°C
- Night temperature: 20-30°C
- Sun: 27 sunny days.
- Rain: 1 rainy days.
- Clouds: 2 cloudy days.
- Swimming: Water temperature 27-28 °C
- Sunset: The sun sets at 19:30
2. Larnaca temperature in September
During the day the temperature is 27-27 °C. Nights are also warm and humid 20-30°C. Rain and clouds are extremely rare. Larnaca is quite wind in September usually in the afternoon to early evening time. The sun sets at 19:30.
3. What to wear in September
Recommended clothes in September are light-weight summer clothing for the day and light long sleeve top or shirt for evenings. Since it is still hot and very sunny do not forget about sun protection, such as hats, sunscreen and sunglasses as well as sun lotions.
4. Going to the beach
Larnaca has the warmest seawater. The beach is perfect in Septeber, October and even November.
5. Things to do in Larnaca on September
Salt lake, beach walk, villages of Skarinou Lefkara, Choirokitia. In September so do not miss the chance to spend great time outdoor trying different local wines and traditional Cypriot food and watching dance and theater performances. Watch out for the Mediterenean folkore Dance Festival