Cyprus has 326 days of sunshine a year. The daytime temperature is about 35°C in Summer and 18°C in Winter. Our website helps travellers to understand how is the weather in Cyprus.

Cyprus weather by monthCyprus weather Today

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Paphos Limassol Larnaca Ayia Napa Nicosia

Cyprus Weather

Cyprus is the warmest European country and it has one of the most moderate climates on earth. The maximum daytime temperature is 35°C in Summer, 27°C in Spring and Autumn and 18°C in Winter. Seawater temperature is about 26°C in the Summer, 24°C in Autumn, 18°C in Winter and 21°C in Spring.

Cyprus weather by month

The chart below shows the average daytime temperature for Cyprus each month of the year.

Temperature in Cyprus for each month of the year - source Cyprus weather

For detail weather information for each month please choose the month from the list below. We have compliment the information with photographs that were take at each town in the corresponding months.

Our website focuses on informing travellers who plan to visiting Cyprus about the weather. Is generally know that Cyprus has a great holiday weather all year around. However, most people do not fully realise that summer is very hot and they also do not realise that winter is not very cold. In our opinion the best time to visit Cyprus is October. The weather in sunny and warm but not hot, the sea is still warm and it is not as busy as in Summer time