Larnaca weather in August is sunny, hot and humid. Temperature can reach 40C during daytime and air humidity can be more than 80%.
August is not the best month for Larnaca. Temperature is high and sea water is also warm.
1. Average weather in August
- Generally: Sunny weather and high temperature.
- Day temperature: 32-42°C
- Night temperature: 25-35 °C
- Sun: 100% sunny days.
- Rain/Clouds: Very rare.
- Swimming: Water temperature 25-29 °C
- Sunset: The sun sets at 19:50
2. Larnaca temperature in August
At daytime the temperature is always above 35°C, however, if you are directly under the sun it feels much higher. The seawater temperature at Larnaca is 27-30°C which is quite warm. This is because the water is swallow and it warms up easily. At nighttime the temperute drops to about 24°C and there usually a cool breeze comming from the sea.
3. What to wear in August
Recommended clothes are very light weight summer clothing. It is always a wise idea to use sun protection, such as hats, sunscreen and sunglasses. Have plenty of sun cream with you as well as a bottle of water. Below are a few photos I have taken during August so that you can get a better idea of the weather and what most people wear.
4. Going to the beach
5. Things to do in Larnaca on August
Salt lake, beach walk, villages of Skarinou Lefkara, Choirokitia