Nicosia in the capital of Cyprus and it is located in the center of the island. The weather in Nicosia is more hot in the summer and more cold in the winter compared to the coastal cities of Cyprus. In Summer time the temperature reaches 36-40°C and in the winter falls to as low as 10-15°C.
Nicosia weather by month Nicosia Weather Today
The chart below shows the maximum temperature in Nicosia by month. The temperature cooresponding to each month ia actually the average of the maximum temperatures of each day of the month. So, for example in August, there will be days with maximum temperature below 34°C and days with maximum temperature above 34°C and on average the maximum temperature will be 34°C. Ofcourse it feels much hotter if you are not in a shaded area.
Nicosia weather by season
Please choose a season from the list below for more weather infromation and weather photos from Nicosia.