Limassol weather in September is nice and warm. Almost everyday is sunny with daytime temperature of 30-37°C. Evening temperature is 24-26°C

Limassol weather in September

Limassol offers plenty of opportunities for beach fun, sport and nighttime entertainment

1. Average weather in September

  • Weather: Sunny and hot
  • Sunny days: 99%
  • Rain: Do not expect any rain
  • Temperature: 30-35°C
  • Swimming: Water temperature 26°C
  • Sunset at 19:30

2. Limassol temperature in September

Average maximum temperature in September is 29°C on the wes

Limassol weather and temperature September
Limassol weather and temperature September

3. What to wear in September

Recommended clothes in September are light-weight summer clothing for the day and light long sleeve top or shirt for evenings. Since it is still hot and very sunny do not forget about sun protection, such as hats, sunscreen and sunglasses as well as sun lotions.

5. Things to do in September

Summer activities on the beach are also good in September. Sun is still hot and water is warm so you can keep sunbathing and swimming. Water parks will not close till October. It is better to plan your excursions around the island for early morning or late afternoon to avoid the sun at its peak. Wine Festival that has started in the end of August continues in September so do not miss the chance to spend great time outdoor trying different local wines and traditional Cypriot food and watching dance and theater performances.


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Weather Cyprus was updated: July 2019, Discussion Area: Weather Cyprus on Facebook